

Supporting growth

Hi everyone Nikki here President and Founder of All Souls Animal Rescue and Sanctuary.  I hope you all are having a wonderful start to your new year. I just wanted to take a quick minute and share some really exciting news!!! 

At the end of last year I was contacted by a company by the name of Flipcause. They are a small company that works hand and hand with smaller non profits to help with all the behind the scene things. Like the web page, donor information, animal information, and a lot lot more. Allowing me the much needed time to spend with the animals that call All Souls home. Flipcause is locally based out of Oakland, CA and are available to help me whenever needed. 

Some of the features that are pretty exciting is the ability to sign up for reoccurring donations. Allowing you, our supporters, to just type in the information and the donation is made monthly. If you haven't been yet, visit us at They've been working with me to help create a more fun, user-friendly web site. We also have a database now that holds all our donor information, if provided, allowing us to email receipts of donations and eventually a newsletter. Also, I have an area dedicated to the animals making it much easier for me to keep track of all their needs in a more organized fashion. 

The cost for their services is $75 per month, for the year that's a whopping $900. Our goal is to pay for the year! The really great thing about this is our monthly charge will ever exceed $75 no matter how much growing we do!!! That's pretty fantastic. 

Our 60 day free trail ends 2/07/2020, lets reach our goal friends!!! 





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Recent Activity

Name Lynzie Wolters
Activity Type Donation(Recurring)
Amount $200.00
Date 02/05/25
Name Shannon Hurles
Activity Type Donation(Recurring)
Amount -
Date 02/05/25
Name Debra Martin
Activity Type Donation(Recurring)
Amount $10.00
Date 02/04/25
Name Anonymous
Activity Type Donation(Recurring)
Amount $10.00
Date 02/04/25
Activity Type Donation(Recurring)
Amount $100.00
Date 02/03/25

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